Mindfulness in Medicine | U of U Health providers & affiliates


Enhancing Quality of Care, Quality of Caring, and Resilience

This workshop is designed to help advance the quality of healthcare, improve provider relationships with patients and colleagues, and enhance self-awareness, wellness and resilience of health professionals. Participants have shown improvements in burnout scores, presence, attentiveness, and curiosity, allowing for greater awareness and connection into their work.

Three approaches - narrative medicine, appreciative inquiry and mindfulness- will be taught to acquire the skills that transform participants' overall clinical approach.


For Health Care Providers, including but not limited to, MDs, RNs, LCSWs, PTs, OTs, RDs, Speech Therapists, etc. 


Cost Information / Refund Policy:

Class will be cancelled within 2 weeks of starting date if there are less than 10 people registered.  

Registration not Available at this Time